ISO Rating
Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating relates to insurance company risk management to set local home-owner insurance premiums. CVFD has an PPC (Property Protection Class) rating of 4/8b. This rating is based off training, water availability, communication center, and equipment in the station.
Additional Information:
Some insurance companies may have additional questions they wish answered. Here is a sampling of a few and best answers…
Which fire departments will respond to the first call? Comfort VFD is primary. Due to our mutual aid agreements with every department in Kendall, Kerr, and Gillespie Counties, the 911 dispatcher will also put the call out to other VFD’s in the area.
How much equipment and personnel will be needed? Approximately 4 apparatus & 17 people
How will the fire department transport water to the house? Tender trucks
How much water will the fire department bring to the property on first call? 4000 gallons
What is the best source of additional water and where is it located in relation to the house? The Tender truck apparatus sent to the house has the ability to pump water from pools and other water sources like tanks, rivers, creeks, etc., as well as can refill from available fire hydrants.